unveiled a synthetic drug on 18 August that appears to neutralize pain as
effectively as morphine but without side effects that make opioids so dangerous
and addictive. The big data methods used by the researchers also open up a
promising avenue in drug innovation. In experiments with mice, the new compound
– identified after screening “trillions” of candidates – activated a known
molecular pathway in the brain that triggers pain suppression. But unlike
morphine and prescription drugs such as oxycodone or oxycontin, it did not
switch on a second pathway that can slow or block normal breathing.
suppression caused by opioids results in some 30,000 deaths every year in the
United States alone, where opioid use and abuse has taken on epidemic
proportions. Nor did the new drug – dubbed PZM21 – produce addiction in the lab
mice, which get hooked on morphine and pharmaceutical painkillers as easily as
humans. In experiments, the rodents showed no preference between a cubicle in
which they had been administered PZM21 or one in which they received a neutral
saline solution. PZM21, the researchers summed up, offers “long-lasting
analgesia coupled to apparent elimination of respiratory depression.” A third
advantage of the new compound is that it does not cause constipation.
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