The first automated insulin
delivery device – dubbed as artificial pancreas – that can monitor blood sugar
levels and regularly administer insulin has been approved in the US. The human
pancreas naturally supplies a low, continuous rate of insulin, known as basal
or background insulin. In patients with diabetes, the body’s ability to produce
or respond to insulin is impaired. MiniMed 670G hybrid closed looped system,
intended to aromatically monitor glucose (sugar) and provide appropriate basal
insulin doses in people 14 years of age and older with type 1 diabetes, was
approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
This first of its kind technology
can provide people with type 1 diabetes greater freedom to live their lives without
having to consistently and manually monitor baseline glucose levels and
administer insulin. The MiniMed 670G hybrid closed looped system, often
referred to as an “artificial pancreas”, is intended to adjust insulin levels
with little or no input from the user. It works by measuring glucose levels
every five minutes and automatically administering or withholding insulin. The system
includes a sensor that attaches to the body to measure glucose levels under the
skin; an insulin pump strapped to the body; and an infusion patch connected to
the pump with a catheter that delivers insulin.
While the device automatically
adjusts insulin levels, users need to manually request insulin doses to counter
carbohydrate (meal) consumption. Since the pancreas does not make insulin in
the people with type 1 diabetes, patients have to monitor their glucose levels
throughout the day and have insulin therapy through injection with a syringe,
an insulin pen or insulin pump to avoid becoming hyperglycemic (high glucose
levels). In addition, management of type 1 diabetes includes following a
healthy eating plan and physical activity.