Wednesday 17 August 2016

New material to take net data speed to 2 GB/s

                Researchers from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia have developed a new material that may not only provide efficient lighting, but also power wireless internet with data speed of up to 2 Gigabytes per second. The nano-crystalline material rapidly makes white light out of blue light. Earlier inventions like visible-light communication makes use of parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that are unregulated and is more energy-efficient, but the conversion process is not fast enough to match the speed at which LEDs can be switched on an off. The researchers created nanocrystal of cesium lead bromide that were eight nanometers in size. They were able to show uptical processes in the nanocrystals occurs on a time-scale of seven nanoseconds. This meant they could modulate the optical emission at a frequency of 491 megahertz.

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