Wednesday 2 November 2016

Scientist Grow Mouse Eggs In Lab From Stem Cells

Japanese scientists said on 17 October they had grown mouse eggs entirely in the lab, then fertilized them to yield fertile offspring, a scientific first cautiously hailed by experts in human reproduction. The technique – which involved coaxing stem cells into becoming mature eggs – was still much too risky and controversial to be reproduced in humans. This is the first report of anyone being able to develop fully mature and fertilizable eggs in a laboratory setting right through from the earliest stages of oocyte (immature eggs) development. While the technique may be useful to treat infertility “one day”, the paper also showed “the complexity of the process and how it is a long way from being optimized. Only a small number of embryos which grew from the eggs developed into normal mice. The lab grown eggs were more likely to have chromosomal abnormalities. The authors of the paper – published in the science journal Nature – reported using two types of stem cells, which are neutral, juvenile cells that can become most any type of specialized cell of the body. The first kind was harvested directly from mouse embryos, the team said, and other created in the lab by reprogramming cells taken from mouse tail tips back into a juvenile state from which they can re-specialize. The stem cells were grown into mature eggs, which were fertilized in the lab as well. The resulting embryos were then transferred into surrogate mice

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