Monday 24 October 2016

Zika Virus Unlikely To Infect Same Person Twice

People infected with Zika may not be susceptible to the virus again, according to new research which found that the infection provides excellent protection against re-infection. This means people infected during this current epidemic will likely not be susceptible again. When a large proportion of the population is protected known as herd immunity – the risk of future epidemics may be low. The research shows that infection provides excellent protection against re-infection. The findings also show that Zika virus is present in the blood very early during infection add remains in some tissues for a long time but is only briefly present in other tissues. The researchers produced Zika virus at the Bio-security Research Institute and provided it to collaborators to support studies performed at several other laboratories. The collaboration helped them to better understand the dynamics of Zika viral infection, replication and shedding. Zika RNA was detected in blood plasma as early as one day after the infection. It also was detected in saliva, urine, cerebrospinal fluid and semen, and in vaginal secretions.

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