Saturday 24 September 2016

There Will Be No Wild Lands Left By 2100

                A tenth of the world’s world land – an area equivalent to half of the Amazon basin – has been lost in just 20 years in an “alarming” trend that requires urgent action on an international scale, experts have warned. At the current rate of decline there will be no significant areas of wilderness – area mostly free of human disturbance – left on the planet in less than 100 years. Mining, illegal logging, deliberately set fires to clear forest for agriculture, and oil and gas exploration were all contributing to the devastation of essentially natural environments, which are home to many endangered species. All wilderness areas, regardless of their size threshold, warrant immediate scrutiny for conservation action. The continued loss of wilderness areas is a globally significant problem with largely irreversible outcomes for both humans and nature: if these trends continue, there could be no globally significant wilderness areas left in less than a century.

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