Thursday 1 September 2016

Scientists Discovered a Gigantic Exoplanet, HATS-18b

                On 2 June 2016, International team of astronomers found an alien world named HATS-18b. It is a giant hot Jupiter exoplanet tidally spinning up its parent star. The team led by Kaloyan Penev of Princeton University carried out the observation campaign between April 2011 and July 2013.

About Exoplanet, HATS-18b:
  •          The newly discovered planetary system could be a great laboratory for to test the theories of planet-star interactions.
  •          The research team used the Hungarian-made Automated Telescope Network-South (HATSouth) to obtain over 1000 images of this sun-like star while finding the exoplanets orbiting HATS-18

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