Monday 12 September 2016

Scientists Developed Bio-Ink for 3-D Printing With Stem Cells

                A group of scientists developed a new stem cell containing bio-ink that allows 3D printing of complex living tissues. The new stem cell-containing bio-ink allows 3D printing of Living tissues, known as bio-printing.

  •         The bio-ink used contains a natural polymer from seaweed and a sacrificial synthetic polymer used in the medical industry.
  •          The seaweed polymer offers structural support when cell nutrients are introduced.
  •          The synthetic polymer changes the bio-ink from a liquid to a solid as temperature is raised.
  •          The special bio-ink formulation was extruded from a retrofitted bench top 3-D printer as a liquid that transformed to a gel at 37°C. The formulation allows construction of complex living 3-D architectures.
  •          Stem cells were differentiated into osteoblasts and chondrocyctes.

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