Sunday 7 August 2016

Soon, low-fat chocolate that melts in your mouth

                You may soon be enjoying your favourite sweet treat guilt-free as scientists have found a way to make low-fat chocolate that easily melts in your mouth. Chocolate is full of fat. But reducing the fat content of the confection makes it harder and less likely to melt in your mouth, researchers said. Researchers at KU Leuven in Belgium found that adding limonene could improve lower fat versions texture and ability to melt. The researchers focused on the crystallization of cocoa butter, which undergoes several important transformations at different times and temperatures. The researchers examined crystallization at 17 degrees Celsius and 20 degrees Celsius using differential scanning calorimeter and X-ray diffraction to examine cocoa butter profiles when limonene was added. The Belgian researchers found that adding the compound accelerated cocoa butter crystallization at 17 degrees Celsius, but inhibited cocoa butter crystallization at 20.

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