Tuesday 30 August 2016

Planet 9 May Have Been 'Stolen' By Our Sun

                The mysterious Planet 9 may have been stolen from its original star by our sun some 4.5 billion years ago, possibly making it the first exoplanet to be discovered inside the solar system, astronomers have claimed. An extra solar planet, or exoplanet, is by definition a planet located outside our solar system. Now it appears that this definition is no longer viable. According to astronomers, there is a lot to indicate that Planet 9 was captured by the young sun and has been a part of our solar system completely undetected ever since.

                Stars are born in clusters and often pass by one another. It is during these close encounters that a star can “steal” one or more planets in orbit around another star. This is probably what happened when our own Sun captured Planet 9, the researchers behind the study said, when it came in close contact while orbiting another star.

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