Friday 12 August 2016

In China, a 'student bot' to sit for entrance test

                A Chinese robot is set to compete with grade 12 students during the country’s national college entrance examination next year and get a score qualifying it to enter first-class universities. The robot will appear in three exams – Math, Chinese and a comprehensive test of liberal arts, including history, politics and geography, said Lin Hui, CEO of an artificial intelligence company in Chengdu.
                The robot will have to finish the exams during designated periods like the other examinees. It will take its exams in a closed room with just proctors and a notary present. The robot will be linked to a printer before every exam, and the electronic examination paper will be loaded to the robot’s program when the examination begins, Lin said.

                It will be totally disconnected from the internet and can solve the problems with its artificial intelligence program, ‘China Daily’ reported. It is believed that Chinese and a comprehensive test of liberal arts, rather than maths, will pose challenges to the robot, since questions in maths are objective with specific answers, while in the other test subjects, there are some subjective questions, such as the reading comprehension and essay-writing. According to Lin, the robot writing technique nowadays has been increasingly mature.

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