Monday 15 August 2016

A robot that can park cars in tightest spots

                The dreaded act of parallel parking could soon become a thing of the past with Chinese inventors backing their new parking robot to take away the stress for anxious drivers. The laser-guided “Geta” (get a car) robot slides under your vehicle, picks it up, finds a parking space in the lot and places the car in tightest of spots. The soon to be launched robot needs just two minutes to park a vehicle, does not need tracks and has 360 degrees mobility, said creators Yee Fung Automation Technology.

                “The robot is designed to increase parking space and will reform parking in the future,” Yee Fung’s 33 year old chief executive Marco Wu, said. Mainland China is expected to have more than 200 million cars by 2020, meaning that finding space to park could become increasingly difficult. Wu said Geta finds spaces by transmitting signals to a computer containing a map which then directs the robot to the spot. The purple and lime green robot will cost more than $1,50,000.

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