Sunday 24 July 2016

Japanese astronomers discovered second largest black hole in Milky Way

Japanese astronomers’ team discovered the second largest black hole in Milky Way. They mapped high velocity compact cloud called CO-0.40-0.22 with a mass 100000 times that of the Sun around 200 light years away from the centre of the Milky Way. The research related to this was published in Astrophysical Journal Letters with the little ‘Signature of an Intermediate Mass Black Hole in the Central Molecular Zone of our Galaxy’ on December 2015. A team led by Tomoharu Oka, a professor at Keio University observed this mysterious cloud with two radio telescopes, the Nobeyama 45m Radio Telescope in Japan and the ASTE telescope in Chile. These both telescopes are operated by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.

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